Lodge King Robert de Bruce No.304

Lodge King Robert de Bruce No.304, celebrated 200 years of Freemasonry with a rededication ceremony, on Saturday 12 August 2023. The ceremony of rededication was carried out by the Grand Master Mason, Brother Ramsay McGhee, assisted by Office Bearers of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.

The Lodge was opened by Brother David Reekie Master and Office Bearers, thereafter a deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross headed by the Provincial Grand Master Brother Bill Rocks, entered the Lodge, followed by the deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland who were headed by the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason Brother William Ramsay McGhee, both were warmly welcomed into the Lodge by the Master.

Grand Lodge then commenced the rededication ceremony, which was carried out in an exemplary fashion by the Grand Master Mason, assisted by the Grand Wardens (Brother David Reid Senior Grand Deacon acting Senior Grand Warden and Brother Samuel Peden, Junior Grand Warden), Grand Director of Ceremonies Brother Ronnie Forbes and Grand Chaplain (Brother James Jack Junior Grand Deacon acting), Substitute Grand Master Brother Alexander Moncrieff, then proceeded to rededicate the masters regalia of office, which was then placed on the Master by the Grand Master Mason.

Brother Danny Cuthbert Past Master, gave a short history of Lodge King Robert de Bruce No.304 high lighting some of the past achievements and distinguished brethren of the Lodge.

The Master along with the Grand Master presented the Immediate Past Master of Lodge King Robert de Bruce with a jubilee certificate to mark 50 years membership of the craft.

At the conclusion of the ceremony the Brethren sat down to a fine meal followed by the usual toasts.

Photographs provided by Substitute Provincial Grand Master Brother Mike McAdams.

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