Lodge St. Ayles No.95
An exlemplification of the Fellow Craft Degree was worked at the regular meeting of Lodge St. Ayles No.95 on Friday 20th February 2016. The Degree Team was made up of Honorary members of Lodge St. Ayles No.95.
The Substitute Candidate was a Brother from the EC, Bro. Paul Tarbuck of lodge Castleberg No.2091 in the province of Yorkshire West Riding.
The Chair was occupied by Honorary member Bro. Andrew Paterson PM of Lodge Oak No.877. Also in attendance were Brethren of Lodge Wilhelm Sum Sibemen Anker (William of the Sivler Anchor) No.454 who had just arrived in Scotland from Germany and who at the closing stages of the meeting presented Bro. Allan Carpenter RWM of Lodge St. Ayles with a plaque of stone, which was very thankfully received.
Photographs provided by Bro. John Ogilvie PM Lodge St. Ayles No.95
Degree Team With RWM and Substitute Candidate
Left to Right
Bro. Rev Andrew E Paterson PM Lodge Oak No.877
Bro. Jeff Crichton RWM Lodge Canmore No.1175
Bro. Allan Carpenter RWM Lodge St. Ayles No.95
WM Lodge Wilhelm Zum Silbernen Anker No.454 Germany
Brethren from lodge Castleberg No.2091 in the province of Yorkshire West Riding EC
Hon Member Bro. Andrew Paterson PM Lodge Oak No.877
The Substitute Candidate Bro. Paul Tarbuck
And Bro. Allan Carpenter RWM Lodge St. Ayles No.95
Plaque Presented to Lodge St. Ayles No.95