April Statutory Communication
The Statutory Communication of Provincial Grand Lodge was held on Saturday 22 April 2023, Brother Bill Rocks Provincial Grand Master presiding, within the Masonic Hall, North Street, Lochgelly under the auspices of Lodge Minto No.385.
On this occasion the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master welcomed into Provincial Grand Lodge a deputation from the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Fife and Kinross and Forth and Tay Valleys Division of the Grand Imperial Council of Scotland.
The Deputation from the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Fife and Kinross was headed by Grand Superintendent Most Excellent Companion Gordon Hynd. Also in attendance was Intendant General for Forth and Tay Valleys Division of the Grand Imperial Council of Scotland George Johnstone.
A deputation of Brethren from Lodge St. Lucius, Holbaer, Denmark, headed by the Master Brother Martin Eriksen was also in attendance and warmly welcomed into Provincial Grand Lodge.
The communication started off with a memorial service to departed merit, which was held with due respect of those who have passed on to the Grand Lodge above.
Brother Jack Harrison Past Master of Lodge Union No.250 was presented with a certificate and neck jewel of Honorary Provincial Grand Architect and Brother Jim McDonald Past Master of Lodge St. John No.60 was presented with a certificate and neck jewel of Honorary Provincial Grand Jeweller.