The Travelling Gavel
The Travelling Gavel is owned by Lodge St John of Dunfermling No26 / The Lvdge Of Dunfermling No.26
Masonic Trust
183-185 Admiralty Rd
Rosyth KY11 2BW
The gavel was presented to Bro W David Britton PM whilst on holiday in the USA by the Bros Wood who were members of The Artisan Lodge of Wichendon, Ma. It has been used competitively amongst the Lodges in the province of Fife & Kinross to encourage visiting between Lodges since 1997.
The Gavel is shown in the photograph below with the inscriptions and the rules of the competition.
The Travelling Gavel
This gavel was a gift from The Brothers Wood (Father and Sons)
Artisan Lodge
A.F. & A.M.
School Street (Rt 12)
PO Box 156
Winchendon, Ma
The purpose of this travelling Gavel is to promote friendship and brotherly love by promoting the visiting of other Lodges. The rules of this gavel are:
1. A Lodge must visit with a Deputation of at least Seven Members (Not Honorary Members) one of the Deputation must be the Master or a Warden.
If two or more Deputations visit on the same evening the Deputation who has travelled the greatest distance can claim the gavel.
2. On every occasion a Lodge claims the gavel, they must inform the Secretary in writing at The Lvdge Of Dunfermling No.26, of its location and the date it was transferred to their custody this will allow a record of its travels to be kept and permit any Lodge to contact The Lvdge Of Dunfermling No.26 & ascertain the Gavels last known location.
Any Lodge that takes the Gavel “Home” should send a Donation of £5.00 to the funds of the Provincial grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross, Benevolent Fund.
3. The Gavel cannot be claimed on the night of “Installation or a Special Meeting” of a Lodge.
4. Only Lodges under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross may claim the Gavel.
5. A Lodge that has taken the Gavel “Home” and complied with Rules (2) & (8), must surrender the gavel to any visiting Fife & Kinross Masonic Lodge that complies with Rule (1).
6. The Lodge in possession of the Gavel must always display it at a Regular Meeting of their Lodge.
7. The Gavel remains the property of The Lvdge Of Dunfermling (Lodge St John (Dunfermling)) No 26 at all times.
8. Lodges who take the Gavel “Home” should also write to and notify the Secretary of “Artisan Lodge” at the above address.
Currently the Gavel is held by Lodge Coupar o' Fife No.19, who claimed it from Lodge St. Michael No.246.