Lodge St. Adrian No.185
A Deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge headed by Depute Provincial Grand Master Bro. Stewart Quigley attended the Regular Meeting of Lodge St. Adrian No.185 on Monday 21st November 2016 to assist in the presentation of a 50 year Jubillee Certificate to Bro. Bob Taylor PM of Lodge St. Adrian No.185 and a Past Provincial Grand Steward.
Photographs provided by Bro. Raymond Paxton RWM Lodge Earlshall No.1292.
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Bro. Stewart Quigley Depute Provincial Grand Master
Bro. Bob Taylor PM Lodge St. Adrian No.185
Bro. Eck Anderson RWM Lodge St. Adrian No.185
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Bro. Eck Anderson RWM Lodge St. Adrian No.185
Bro. Bob Taylor PM Lodge St. Adrian No.185
Bro. Jackie Taylor IPM Lodge St. Adrian No.185