PGL April Communication
Brother Stewart Quigley, Provincial Grand Master presided over the April Communication of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross on Saturday 30 April 2022 within Baldridgeburn Community Centre Dunfermline, under the auspices of Lodge Canmore No.1175.
The communication was opened in regular manner and a representative of the Provincial Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Fife and Kinross, Most Excellent Companion Robert Ashley was then introduced to the Provincial Grand Master and thanked for his attendance.
During the course of the communication Brother David Hynd Past Senior Provincial Grand Warden was presented with a Past Senior Provincial Grand Wardens breast jewel as a mark of his rank and thanked for his years of service to the province.
Brother John Dryburgh a Past Master of Lodge Balfour Melville No.809 was presented with a neck jewel and certificate to mark him being awarded the rank of Honorary Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies. While Brother Gerald King a Past Master of Lodge St. Clair of Balbeggie No.867 was presented with a neck jewel and certificate to mark him being awarded the rank of Honorary Provincial Grand Steward.
All three Brethren made suitable replies to the presentations.
Past Substitute Provincial Grand Master Brother Gordon Michie announced the draw for the Provincial Grand Lodge 500 Club. The winners on this occasion being:
- First Prize £250 D Hemphill
- Second Prize £200 R Ross
- Third Prize £150 F Ross
- Fourth Prize £100 R Clarkson
- Fifth Prize £100 J Knox
The first draw for the 'Make it a Million Appeal' was made, the winner being Brother Craig Stevenson Past Master of Elgin's Lodge at Leven No.91.
At the close of the communication the Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master Brother Andrew Paterson thanked Provincial Grand Master Brother Stewart Quigley for his leadership of the province over the past five years of his commission.