Prostate Scotland

Letter of appreciateion received from 'Prostate Scotland' thanking the Provincial Grand Master, family, friends and Brethren from this province for their contributions to the sponsored zip slide at Killicranckie on Sunday 09 October 2022.


Mr William Rocks
5 Lundin View
KY8 5TL        

18 October 2022

Dear William

I am writing on behalf of Prostate Scotland to thank you for the extremely generous and superb donation of €2,990 which you raised through sponsorship of the Grand Lodge Zipwire held on 9th October 2022 at Killiecrankie in support of the Grand Lodge of Scotland's Make it Million Campaign. We should be grateful if you could please pass on our grateful thanks, wherever possible, to everyone who contributed and supported you. I should also like to thank you for giving up your time to fundraise as well as the time you gave up on Sunday 9th October to travel to Killiecrankie and participate in the Zipslide and we hope that you thoroughly enjoyed it.

Your participation in the Zipslide has brought the magical million pounds target from the Grand Lodge of Scotland within touching distance and it is a magnificent effort by everyone concerned — it is very much appreciated by all of us at Prostate Scotland but in particular by all those men and their families in Scotland who have been supported by the wonderful generosity of the Brethren.

I hope you don't mind but I thought I should take the opportunity to remind you about our current information and awareness initiatives which will be supported by your efforts. Our focus at Prostate Scotland continues to be trying and ensuring that even more men and their families can benefit and receive information and support with respect to prostate cancer. We are also taking forward our work to raise awareness of prostate cancer to encourage men with symptoms to visit their GPs and obtain an early diagnosis. An early diagnosis of prostate cancer can often increase the chances of surviving this awful disease. This is extremely important because the number of overall cancer diagnoses dropped during and following the pandemic because it is thought many people did not wish to overburden an already stretched NHS Scotland.

In addition, we are continuing to develop a range of new services to help men across Scotland navigate a prostate cancer diagnosis. It is called our COMPASS project and in time it will cover information, courses, exercise programmes, workshops and support services. These services are all provided without charge to those benefiting from them and have already been fully funded.

These are all new services for men and their families affected by prostate cancer and we are working to spread these services into all areas of Scotland as soon as we can. Many are already available in Highlands, Edinburgh and Lothians, Tayside and Lanarkshire with several services online which can be accessed by anyone in Scotland.

Your wonderful donation towards the Grand Lodge of Scotland's Make it a Million Campaign will be focused on helping to support Prostate Scotland take forward our work in raising awareness of prostate cancer to encourage early diagnosis which will hopefully save lives as well as providing the best possible information, support, advice and guidance to men and their families already affected by prostate cancer.

Thank you again for your magnificent support over the years of our partnership. These donations have been absolutely necessary for our work to continue as well as develop and the Grand Lodge of Scotland has been a central pillar of Prostate Scotland's achievements and support of men and their families affected by prostate cancer over the last 10 years.

Kind regards

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