Contact the Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife & Kinross using the Form

Contact the Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross for general enquiries or information on becoming a Freemason, using the form below:

All enquiries will be treated with the utmost respect and confidentiality.

If you are interested in becoming a Freemason and joining a Masonic Lodge in the Province of Fife and Kinross and know someone who is a member of a Lodge within the Province, you should speak to him regarding an application for Initiation.

If you do not know anyone who is a member of our Order then the Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross will be happy to discuss membership applications from suitable men. They will answer any questions you may have and if you wish to apply they can identify Lodges within the Province that will suit your circumstances and have Brethren get in touch with you.

Membership of the Craft in Scotland is open to respectable men who believe in their personal Supreme Being. Applicants should have attained the age of 21 years (with an exception in favour of the son of a Master Mason who can be admitted on attaining the age of 18 years).

Please fill in the form below if you wish to speak with us regarding potential membership. We will get in touch to discuss this with you with no further obligation


Freemasonry is:

An ancient brotherhood dedicated to friendship, morality, and brotherly love where moral lessons are veiled in allegory and illustrated by signs and symbols. Masonic secrets are simply methods used by freemasons to recognise each other. Freemasonry interferes with neither religion or politics. Freemasonry only strives to teach a man the duty he owes to his God, to his neighbour and to himself.

Freemasonry is NOT

A Religion - although to become a Mason, a man must believe in a supreme being.

A Charity - even though Masons contribute considerably to worthwhile charities.

A Subversive Organization - a Mason must be a peaceful, law abiding citizen.

A Political Party or Action Group – Masons are free to follow their own political persuasion.

A Secret Society – If it was, Nobody but Masons would know about it.

Freemasonry’s Principles are steady standards of life and conduct in a changing world.

Scotland has the oldest Lodges in the world and has many Lodges at home and abroad. In Scotland Lodges are arranged into Provinces, abroad they are arranged into Districts. The Grand Lodge of Scotland is one of the oldest in the world and works in harmony with all other “Regular” Grand Lodges i.e. those whose members profess a belief in a Supreme Being and follow the same basic principles and practices as the Scottish Freemason.

BROTHERLY LOVE is the concern which each Freemason has for his Brother, which is readily shown by tolerance and respect for the beliefs, opinions and practices of his fellows and his willingness to care for his Brother and that Brother's dependants.

RELIEF The Freemason is by nature and teaching a charitable man. He will cheerfully and kindly assist those less fortunate (whether Freemasons or not!). He will care for and support his community  local, national and international.

TRUTH  The Freemason believes in Truth in all things in honesty and integrity in his personal, business and public life, in fair dealings and in firm standards of decency and morality.

OUR FRATERNITY has a wonderful history, which dates back more than three centuries. It is one of the world's oldest secular fraternities, a society of men concerned with moral and spiritual values. Founded on the three great principles of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth, it aims to bring together men of goodwill, regardless of background and differences.

07 Feb 2025;
07:00PM -
Lodge St. Andrew No.25
08 Feb 2025;
01:00PM -
Lodge St. Serf No.327
10 Feb 2025;
07:00PM -
Lodge Ballingry No.1183
10 Feb 2025;
07:15PM -
Lodge Oswald of Dunnikier No.468
10 Feb 2025;
07:30PM -
Lodge King Robert de Bruce No.304
10 Feb 2025;
07:30PM -
Lodge Dunearn No.400