Installation Ceremony Lodge St. John No.540
The Installation Ceremony of Lodge St. John No.540 took place on Saturday 9th January 2016 when Bro. Hugh Martin was Installed as RWM and his Office-Bearers were Installed into their various offices. The Installing Masters on this occasion were Bro. Ian Patrick, Bro. Ian Sawers and Bro. Rankin Clarkson all Past Masters of Lodge St. John No.540.
The Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross was represented by Depute Provincial Grand Master Bro. Stewart Quigley.
Photographs provided by Bro. Derek Patrick.
WDPGM Bro. Stewart Quigley with RWM Bro. Hugh Martin
Left to Right
Installing Master Bro. Rankin Clarkson
RWM Bro. Hugh Martin
Installing Master Bro. Ian Patrick
Installing Master Bro. Ian Sawers
RWM and Installing Masters with PGL Members