Lodge Earl Haig No.1260

Lodge Earl Haig No.1260 marked 100 years of Freemasonry by holding their centenary rededication ceremony on Saturday 28 May 2022.

Brother Gordon Michie Master, welcomed a deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Fife and Kinross headed by Provincial Grand Master Brother Stewart Quigley into the Lodge. Followed by a deputation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland headed by the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason Brother William Ramsay McGhee, who carried out the ceremony of rededication.

The ceremony of rededication was carried out in an excellent manner, thereafter the Lodge regalia was dedicated and Brother Gordon Michie Master gave a short history of the Lodge.

A celebration dinner followed within the Laurel Bank Hotel Markinch.

Photographs provided by Brother Bob Christie Past Master Lodge Earl Haig No.1260.

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